Regarding Calvary’s Finances
Greetings stewards of God,
Several members have asked me about the financial toll this pandemic has taken on Calvary. Finances are perhaps my least favorite thing to talk about as a pastor, but it is a spiritual issue and a necessary matter to deal with in this world. Without getting into too much detail I want to make you aware of steps we have been taking to minimize the negative financial impact of the pandemic on our congregations continued ministry, as well as steps you can take.
1. Besides myself, we have a few other people on payroll. While our offices are still open each day, we have reduced the hours of our office and maintenance workers significantly in order to reduce payroll costs during this time. We have also eliminated our lawn care service (bringing it in house) and reduced our cleaning service (as our weekly foot traffic has greatly reduced).
(*note: While we have reduced our cleaning service they are taking extra care in high-touch/high-traffic areas to make sure they are well sanitized)
2. We have halted all non-essential purchases until we are at a financially stable place.
3. We have been working diligently to get our books in order and to reorganize how we track our finances so that they are easier to review and communicate to our members.
4. At the strong recommendation of the Michigan District, we are looking to apply for the federal government’s CARES Act program for small-business loans (a.k.a. Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)). If we were to receive (and accept) this particular loan it would cover the cost of payroll, mortgage interest and utilities for 2 months. If we received this loan and used it for only those items we would be able to receive full forgiveness of the loan (hence making it a free grant).
((Currently, government money for this has been exhausted but a new plan is in the works to make more money available for these types of loans.)
5. We have also been looking at another loan option, available through Church Extension Fund (our current mortgage holder). They always offer very competitive rates, but are currently offering short-term loans at rates a full 1% under their standard rate in order to help cover similar short-term needs such as those detailed above in the CARES Act.
The hope is that we would not have to use either of the above loan options, and that we would be able to go back to business as usual in the next few weeks. However, I must say that even before the pandemic hit we were having a slow year with regard to giving. A stretch of weekend snow storms, combined with several extended illnesses lowered our overall attendance (and giving). I have been made aware that heading into the pandemic we were already juggling our bills, and falling behind on some of them. So, the added financial stress of the pandemic has hit at a particularly difficult time.
How can you help? I understand that many of you are going through personal financial hardship during this time. My prayers are with you daily. If you are in need of anything please reach out to me, or the office staff. We have our food pantry if anyone is in need and we can always offer prayers and look for ways God might answer those prayers through our own Calvary community.
We have been receiving the faithful tithes, gifts, and offerings of many of our members. Please continue to send and bring those in. If you have been waiting until things “go back to normal” please reconsider. In this extraordinary time, we need our members to step outside of your normal patterns, and go out of your way to be faithful in giving. The financial health of this congregation is something God has given into your hands as His stewards. I ask that you would pray over your own finances. Give a firstfruits tithe (10%) of whatever the Lord has blessed you with, and then consider your own situation and whether God has provided you with the ability to give more for His mission here at Calvary.
The best way to ensure timely giving is to call your bank and set up a free “automatic payment” through their bill pay option. This is how I have my weekly giving set up. My bank automatically sends a check via the mail from my bank account to Calvary. I have no fees and the church has no fee associated with this kind of transaction.
You can also simply mail in your offering directly to the church. If you choose this fine method, I ask that you would be extra diligent in being timely so as to not forget.
You may also give online. There are fees associated with this service on Calvary’s end, but if this is the way that you prefer to give we have made it available for your convenience. The online giving option is on our website down at the bottom of the home page (
You may also bring your offering in with you if you (and your family) come in for a service of Confession and Absolution, Prayer, and the Sacrament.
As I have said, my prayers continue to be with all of you.
Living forever, now,
Pastor Michael James Grannis
Please pray with me: God the Father Almighty, giver of all good things, and of all things needful, sustain Calvary as a congregation through the trials of this pandemic. Unite us through the ministry of Your Holy Word. Through the Gospel of Christ’s death and resurrection, strengthen our confidence in the fact that You have and will continue to supply all our needs, both for this world and the next. Increase our desire to be reunited with each other in Christian fellowship, even as you increase our fervent love for one another both in word and in deed. Renew in each of our lives zeal to receive the gifts of Your Word and Sacrament. Give us eyes, ears, mouths, hands, and feet to see, hear, say, do, and follow according to Your will, that Your holy name might be glorified in us through Your Son Jesus Christ our Lord; for He who died for us now lives and reigns to all eternity, with You and the Holy Spirit, one God now and forever. Amen.