The Lord has planted us here in order to spread the Gospel in Lincoln Park and elsewhere. He gave us gifts and talents to use as we carry out our responsibilities of sharing the life-giving and life saving work and sacraments. To this end, we commit our time, talents, and treasures in service to our Savior.
Who We Are
Calvary Evangelical Lutheran Church of Lincoln Park, Michigan has been gathering together and growing in Christ since 1924. Remembering our baptism, we gather in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit to hear the life-giving, faith-producing and sustaining Gospel of forgiveness in Jesus’ name. The purpose of Calvary is to disciple each person who comes through our doors, so that together we may honor, love, and trust in God, as we share His loving will and forgiveness with others in our daily lives.
Here we encounter God in His Holy Word, the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments of The Bible. Here we encounter God in the sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion. Here we joyfully receive the forgiveness of our sins through Jesus in His Word and sacraments. We are strengthened through these encounters to live the lives of witness and love for which God has created, redeemed and called us.
We are a community that believes, teaches and seeks to live by the Word of God. We are a community where all are welcome to receive God’s mercy and grow in His grace. We are a community where sins are forgiven and relationships are restored. We are a community that prays for each other, our neighbors and the world. Above all, we trust in God’s grace and mercy for us through Jesus Christ. For in Jesus alone is there forgiveness, life and salvation.
“For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.”
Matthew 18:20

Ground breaking for Calvary’s first building—located on the corner of Cicotte and Chandler—was held in 1924. Dedication of the Bungalow Chapel was held in May of that year. The church building was completed and dedicated at the end of 1926. As the congregation grew, a new site was acquired at the corner of Pagel and Electric in early 1955. The cornerstone of the new church was laid in April 1956, with the completed building dedicated in May 1957.
Calvary celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2024.
One of the most distinguishing features of the church built in 1955 is the stained glass prominently illustrating the story of Christ, from birth to resurrection. Interested in learning more about the story told in stained glass? Click Here.
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